Financial Planning

Planning financially for the future is a top priority for most Americans. It's also a major source of stress. Many people spend valuable time worrying about financial issues that they don't have the know-how or resources to solve. Facing financial issues on your own can be overwhelming. We want you to know that you have free resources available to you through our Retirement Plan Administrator, Empower as well as our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with Cigna.

Cigna's Financial Assistance Resources Direct Link

Cigna offers two options for assistance with financial matters:

  • Arrange a telephone consultation for an initial assessment. This helps to determine whether personal or emotional issues are affecting your financial situation.
  • Get a direct referral to a financial resource in your area. You can also get information and assistance on topics such as:
    • spending habits
    • budgeting strategies
    • debt consolidation
    • managing credit
    • retirement planning

Want a full explanation of benefits, or access to financial help? Call Cigna EAP at (877) 622-4327 or visit online at